He was amazed at their lack of faith
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
O God, who in the abasement of your Son have raised up a fallen world, fill your faithful with holy joy, for on those you have rescued from slavery to sin you bestow eternal gladness. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
The liturgy of the Word for this Sunday is dominated by confrontations between the prophets and the people. In the First Reading from the Book of Ezekiel—which serves as a background to today’s Gospel—God calls Ezekiel, and tells him from the start that the message he was to deliver will not be welcomed because the hearts of the people were closed to what God wanted to tell them.
The scene in today’s Gospel begins in almost an idyllic manner: the prophet who returns home, meeting old friends, memories and a sense of familiarity that occasions like this evoke. Yet this changed into surprise when they saw that something has changed in him, whom they have known for years, and rapidly deteriorating due to their closed hearts and the obstacles they created. In reality, nothing in Jesus had changed: what was hidden was now revealed openly, although it was always there from the beginning. The only thing that might have changed was the fact that Jesus did not return as simply one of them, but as He who came to proclaim to them the Good News of God. Although they went to the synagogue, they were not prepared to listen to what God truly wanted to tell them through His Word made flesh.
God, who is so close to us can disturb us (scandalise us), because God challenges us through the realities of life. He challenges us regarding the lives we live, which He Himself lived and experienced.And, instead of opening our hearts and believing that Christ can and desires to touch our lives, we end up closing ourselves to Him. We close ourselves off to the voices of the ‘prophets’ through whom He speaks to us to show us the way out of our way of thinking and our limited ways. We close ourselves off from the Good News because, if we truly receive it, it will change us. We close ourselves off because we believe we know the prophets and we do not accept that God uses ordinary people who make space for Him in their everyday lives.
Lord, sometimes I believe that I know you well, I feel I can calculate your every step, and, thus, I can control you. But you always draw close to me anew, to impart the words that I need and not those that I want to hear. Open my heart to listen and be attentive so that I can see past exterior appearances to enable me to arrive at the place where my encounter with you takes place, with the prophets you send me.