It is the end of Satan
10th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)
O God, from whom all good things come, grant that we, who call on you in our need, may at your prompting discern what is right, and by your guidance do it. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
The religious leaders’ crises
On the other hand, the leaders came directly from Jerusalem and began to grumble saying that Jesus was casting out demons by the power of the devil! Here Jesus tells them a parable. For many today this teaching of Jesus on the reality of the devil and how he works seems strange and might be considered as symbolic. But the truth that comes forth from the four Gospels shows Jesus confronting these spirits who had lost their place in Heaven and who are now doing their utmost to ensure that humanity lose the opportunity to enjoy the Eternal Life which God the Father wants us to enjoy from this moment. Are we going to be like the religious leaders who, because they did not understand, tried to deter others?
Jesus overcomes the devil because he is greater than him. Jesus is speaking of himself, he alone can defeat the devil. “The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work” (1 John 3, 8). We must ask ourselves: What type of Saviour do we believe Jesus is? Do we see Jesus as saving us from our sins and from the clutches of the Devil? If I feel bound by a particular sin that no matter what I do I can’t overcome it, do I invite Jesus to free me from it?
Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit
This issue confuses many people when it shouldn’t. For Jesus, the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit (according to this account) is when we ascribe the work of the Holy Spirit to the devil. Even today, we find those who ascribe the work of the Holy Spirit to our enemy. Like for example when we hear of someone who does something extraordinary which we don’t understand, we judge them as evil. The Spirit of Jesus still surprises us with the gifts and charisms that he gives to those he wills for the edification of the Church.
The Mother and brothers of Jesus
Then Jesus amazes the people by giving honour to his disciples when he called them his family. Without any lack of respect towards his Mother Mary, he takes Mary’s greatest attribute and applies it to his disciples. Mary’s greatest quality is that she hears and obeys the Word of the Father. This is why Jesus presents the greatness of this attribute while also applying the praise he gives to Mary to his disciples. Do we give importance to listening to what our Father in Heaven is telling us and obeying him?
Lord Jesus, give us faith to believe in your power. Give us humility not to resist the working of the Holy Spirit within us. Give us the capacity to hear and obey the Word of the Father, which is You. Amen.