Rejoice and exult with all your heart
Third Sunday of Advent – Year C
O God, who see how your people faithfully await the feast of the Lord’s Nativity, enable us, we pray, to attain the joys of so great a salvation and to celebrate them always with solemn worship and glad rejoicing. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Lectio Divina
The theme for the Third Sunday of Advent—expressed through the rose liturgical colour and today’s Scripture readings—is one of joy. In several catechetical writings we find joy as being the hallmark of a committed Christian who follows Jesus in his journey of discipleship within the Church. The words ‘rejoice’ and ‘the Lord is near’ echo throughout each of this Sunday’s readings.
In a world threatened by conflicts and wars; in a society in which one’s worth is calculated by what one has and what one can produce rather than by who one is; with an attitude in which appearance is of great importance; where the value of the person is calculated according to how much they spend; and in a climate where a false smile is of greater value than a smile that comes from the heart; do you think we can tell the difference between contentment and joy?
Many teachers of the interior life tell us that contentment—is essentially something good—it comes to us by exterior means: contentment through successes achieved, through something we wanted and have now obtained, etc. In other words, contentment is associated with a healthy environment, with good and beautiful things, and by being in the company of people we like spending time with. Contentment loses its perspective when it becomes our idol. God wants us to be happy, but not to the extent of becoming pleasure seekers; he wants us to have the essentials but does not want us to be greedy, and not care about others; he wants us to appreciate and care for beauty in every aspect without forgetting that the aesthetics are more profound than mere exterior beauty; God wants us to be happy but does not want us to be individualistic, forgetting the common good.
On the other hand, joy comes from within; it arises from the relationship between man, in his truest form, and God. Because true joy can come only from God. This surpasses any qualification, business card, and precious object; it even transcends any people around us. The person searching for joy can only find it in Jesus Christ. Even when we are faced with difficult times, with all sorts of struggles in our daily life, gradually we will recognise that God is with us, and therefore His peace and joy will not be lacking. Christian Joy does not come out of nowhere: we must work for it because it is a decision to be taken and not merely an emotion.
One might ask: “What must I do to acquire this Joy?” Begin by honestly looking at yourself. Appreciate who you are. Accept who you are. God desires that we become better versions of ourselves, by always having God at the centre of our lives. Listen to the Word of God and frequent the Sacraments. Find some time every day to sit in silence and listen to the Lord, especially in front of the Tabernacle. Learn how to discern properly so that you can remain focused on the joy the Lord gives, through the good choices and decisions you make in your life. Set priorities and build upon sound principles. It would be wise to have a competent person to accompany you spiritually and share your spiritual journey with him or her. Above all, remember that true joy is experienced by giving (through pure intentions), more than when we receive.
Stop and Think:
- What gives you joy in life?
- Are you prepared to allow Jesus Christ into your life?
- Do you feel his presence in life’s circumstances, through those around you, in what you read or view, by the good example of courageous people?
- If you have truly encountered Jesus Christ, joy is never lacking. What is robbing you of Christian joy?
- In what way are you imparting this joy to others?
- How do you plan to ensure that this joy continues to be renewed in you?
Lord, in this Advent, give me the courage not to be afraid to spend time with you. Allow this encounter with you to become the centre of my spiritual life, so that your joy can continue to fill my heart and my life. Amen.