The plank in your own eye
The Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year C
Grant us, O Lord, we pray, that the course of our world may be directed by your peaceful rule and that your Church may rejoice, untroubled in her devotion. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
For the third consecutive Sunday, Jesus is offering us profoundly challenging words, full of wisdom. These words help us become better people when we seriously pray on them, allowing them to challenge us and illuminate our path to rediscover our faith and learn how to truly love. This is a process, and like every process there are discoveries—some good, others not so pleasant—which we must grasp well, as they could easily bring negative consequences upon us and others.|
It can be said that we are all blind as long as we continue believing that we are better than others and that we are always in the right. It would be wise to avoid guiding others before we have earnestly examined ourselves.
Whoever works with or for Jesus Christ, must be prepared to receive applause as well as jeers. This is what Our Lord experienced! This is not a question of fear, but it strongly challenges our purity of intention: For whom am I working? For what am I working?
If the speck in your brother’s eye bothers you, it may be pointing towards the hidden defects within yourself (the plank) that you have been concealing for a long time by pointing out or revealing your brother’s speck.
External matters that distract us, even if we give them the least importance, are not the only things that hinder the Christian’s journey of faith. What destroys us are those things that come from within. This is what makes us uncomfortable with ourselves, and, instead of endeavouring to overcome our discomfort through prayer, wise counsel, reflection on the Word of God, and by approaching the Sacraments, we find excuses that we do not have any time for these things.
And so, what do we end up doing? We do what comes easily but is degrading at the same time: we project our defects upon others through prejudices and empty words, hiding behind a screen and writing whatever comes to mind without the least concern for whom we may upset. “A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.” Today’s Gospel truly has a message that challenges us!
When was the last time you made a sincere examination of conscience?
When was the last time you genuinely faced the discomforts within yourself and attempted to overcome them?
When was the last time you remembered that God loves you and wants you to become a better person?
Do not be afraid to make room for God in your life. Do not be afraid to trust him totally.
Lord Jesus, you rose from the dead for us to make us into new people. Help us to truly recognise who we are. Give us the courage to face our discomforts, so that, with you and through you, we can be made new, full of genuine faith and love. Amen.