The Heart encircled by Roses

The fifth reflection about the painting of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Burmarrad

And when the chief Shepherd is manifested, you will obtain the unfading crown of glory.

1 Peter 5:4

So many words, so many feelings crowding our hearts; so many laments, hopes and loves are prompted as we cast our eyes on the image of the Heart of Mary. The artist conveys its purity by means of the crown of roses encircling it; its ardour and love by the flame coming from its top – a symbol reminding us of the tongues of fire that came to rest on Mary and the disciples on Pentecost (Acts 2:3).

In contrast, our hearts are flawed, wounded, anguished, at times joyful and hopeful, at times disconsolate and fearful. But as we come to the final reflection about Emvin Cremona’s masterpiece – weeks in which we have focused on Mary whilst letting her gaze at us and speak to us – it is implausible that the desire for our own hearts too to be pure and spotless is not reignited within ourselves. Due to our frailty, it might be difficult for our hearts to be completely encircled by roses of purity. With God everything is possible however, and, like St Maximillian Mary Kolbe, along with the white crown we could choose the red crown as well. Both crowns together purify us and make us grow in holiness in ways that we cannot even imagine.

Therefore, ask Mary to empty your heart of all its sinful attachments, to enfold it in roses of purity that binds us not avariciously to people, possessions, and places, like those who seize and subdue, but with the bond that conforms to the will of the Merciful Heart of her Son. Ask her to clear out your heart, so that it imitates hers: the inner room set up and ready for the coming of the Bridegroom. No one knows when that day or hour will come, but it will surely come, and it also does every day in the hearts of our brethren. Let your heart be set ablaze with the same flame of love for Christ that hers burned, so that as on earth you seek refuge in that Heart pierced by a sword, similarly, with her, with the Angels and the glorious communion of saints, you too may reach the bliss of Heaven of the Sacred Heart of her Son.