It is he who leads us


Morning prayer, Thursday 2 May 2024

Psalm 48
Thanksgiving for the people’s deliverance

He took me up a high mountain and showed me Jerusalem, God’s holy city (Revelation 21:10).

The Lord is great and worthy to be praised *
in the city of our God.
His holy mountain rises in beauty, *
the joy of all the earth.

Mount Zion, true pole of the earth, *
the Great King’s city!
God, in the midst of its citadels, *
has shown himself its stronghold.

For the kings assembled together, *
together they advanced.
They saw; at once they were astounded; *
dismayed, they fled in fear.

A trembling seized them there, *
like the pangs of birth.
By the east wind you have destroyed *
the ships of Tarshish.

As we have heard, so we have seen *
in the city of our God,
in the city of the Lord of hosts *
which God upholds for ever.

O God, we ponder your love *
within your temple.
Your praise, O God, like your name *
reaches the ends of the earth.

With justice your right hand is filled. *
Mount Zion rejoices;
the people of Judah rejoice *
at the sight of your judgments.

Walk through Zion, walk all round it; *
count the number of its towers.
Review all its ramparts, *
examine its castles,

that you may tell the next generation *
that such is our God,
our God for ever and always. *
It is he who leads us.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.

Read the full psalm on