saħħithom bdiet tħallihom


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L-uffiċċju tal-qari, is-Sibt 27 ta’ Jannar 2024

Salm 106 (107)

(I) Radd ta’ ħajr għall-ħelsien
Alla bagħat il-kelma tiegħu lil ulied Iżrael biex ixandrilhom il-Bxara t-tajba tas-sliem b’ Ġesù Kristu. (Atti 10:36) 

Roddu ħajr lill-Mulej, għax hu tajjeb, *
għax għal dejjem it-tjieba tiegħu.
Ħa jgħidu hekk il-mifdijin tal-Mulej, *
dawk li hu fdiehom mill-ħakma tal-għadu;
ġabarhom minn ħafna artijiet, *
mil-lvant u l-punent, mit-tramuntana u  n-nofsinhar. 

Kienu jiġġerrew fid-deżert, †
u  jterrqu fix-xagħri; *
belt fejn jgħammru ma sabux.
Bil-għatx u bil-ġuħ, *
saħħithom bdiet tħallihom. 

Għajtu lill-Mulej fl-hemm tagħhom, *
u mid-dwejjaq tagħhom ħelishom.
U qabbadhom it-triq it-tajba, *
biex imorru f’belt fejn jgħammru. 

Ħa jroddu ħajr lill-Mulej għal tjubitu, *
għall-għeġubijiet tiegħu mal-bnedmin.
Għaliex hu jxebba’ lil min hu bil-għatx, *
u jimla bil-ġid lil min hu bil-ġuħ. 

Kienu fid-dlam u f’dell il-mewt, *
miżmuma fl-għaks u l-ktajjen,
għax ħaduha kontra l-kelma ta’ Alla, *
u warrbu l-ħsieb tal-Għoli.
Għalhekk b’xogħol iebes għakkishom; *
waqgħu mitluqa bla ma sabu għajnuna. 

Għajtu lill-Mulej fil-hemm tagħhom, *
u mid-dwejjaq tagħhom ħelishom.
U ħariġhom mid-dlam u minn dell il-mewt, *
u kisser il-ktajjen tagħhom. 

Ħa jroddu ħajr lill-Mulej għal tjubitu, *
għall-għeġubijiet tiegħu mal-bnedmin.
Kisser il-bwieb tal-bronż, *
u qasam l-istaneg tal-ħadid. 


Ant. 1: Ħa jroddu ħajr lill-Mulej għal tjubitu, għall-għeġubijiet tiegħu mal-bnedmin.

Ant. 2: Huma raw l-opri tal-Mulej u l-għeġubijiet tiegħu.

Kompli itlob billi żżur is-Salmi tal-ġurnata fuq

In English

Office of Readings, Saturday 27 of January 2024.

Psalm 107
Thanksgiving for deliverance

This is God’s message to the sons of Israel; the good news of peace proclaimed through Jesus Christ (Acts 10:36).


“O give thanks to the Lord for he is good; *
for his love endures for ever.”

Let them say this, the Lord’s redeemed, *
whom he redeemed from the hand of the foe
and gathered from far-off lands, *
from east and west, north and south.

Some wandered in the desert, in the wilderness, *
finding no way to a city they could dwell in.
Hungry they were and thirsty; *
their soul was fainting within them.

Then they cried to the Lord in their need *
and he rescued them from their distress
and he led them along the right way *
to reach a city they could dwell in.

Let them thank the Lord for his love, *
for the wonders he does for men.
For he satisfies the thirsty soul; *
he fills the hungry with good things.

Some lay in darkness and in gloom, *
prisoners in misery and chains,
Having defied the words of God *
and spurned the counsels of the Most High.
He crushed their spirit with toil; *
they stumbled; there was no one to help.

Then they cried to the Lord in their need *
and he rescued them from their distress.
He led them forth from darkness and gloom *
and broke their chains to pieces.

Let them thank the Lord for his goodness, *
for the wonders he does for men:
for he bursts the gates of bronze *
and shatters the iron bars.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.

Ant. Let us praise the Lord for his mercy and for the wonderful things he has done for men.

Ant. 2 Men have seen the works of God, the marvels he has done.

Read the full psalm on