u lix-xemx urejtha xħin għandha tinżel


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Uffiċċju tal-qari, il-Ħadd 24 ta’ Marzu
Salm 103 (104)

(II) Inti ssaqqi l-muntanji mill-imħażen għolja tiegħek, *
u tixba’ l-art bil-frott ta’ għemilek.
Inti tnibbet il-ħdura għall-bhejjem, *
u l-ħxejjex li bihom jinqeda l-bniedem,
biex joħroġ il-ħobż mill-art, *
inbid li jferraħ qalb il-bniedem,
żejt li jsebbħilhom wiċċhom, *
u ħobż li jsaħħilhom qalbhom. 

Jixbgħu bl-ilma s-siġar tal-Mulej, *
iċ-ċedri tal-Libanu li hu ħawwel.
Fihom ibejtu l-għasafar, *
iċ-ċikonja tgħammar fil-qċaċet tagħhom.
Fl-għoljiet il-kbar joqogħdu ċ-ċriev, *
l-irdum jagħti l-kenn lill-fniek tax-xagħri. 

Il-qamar int għamilt biex juri ż-żmien, *
u lix-xemx urejtha xħin għandha tinżel.
Titfa’ d-dlam, u jsir il-lejl; *
fih jiġġerrew il-bhejjem kollha tal-bosk.
Frieħ l-iljun jgħajtu biex jaħtfu, *
jittallbu mingħand Alla l-ikel tagħhom.
Malli titla’ x-xemx jinġabru, *
fl-għerien tagħhom jitgeddsu.
U l-bniedem joħroġ għax-xogħol, *
u jibqa’ jaħdem sa filgħaxija. 


Ant. 2: Il-Mulej joħroġ il-ħobż mill-art, inbid li jferraħ qalb il-bniedem.

Ant. 3: Alla ħares lejn kulma għamel, u ra li kollox kien sewwa ħafna.

Kompli itlob billi żżur is-Salmi tal-ġurnata fuq https://brevjar.knisja.mt/

In English

Office of the Reading, Sunday 24 March 2024.

Psalm 104


From your dwelling you water the hills; *
earth drinks its fill of your gift.
You make the grass grow for the cattle *
and the plants to serve man’s needs,

that he may bring forth bread from the earth *
and wine to cheer man’s heart;
oil, to make him glad *
and bread to strengthen man’s heart.

The trees of the Lord drink their fill, *
the cedars he planted on Lebanon;
there the birds build their nests; *
on the tree-top the stork has her home.
The goats find a home on the mountains *
and rabbits hide in the rocks.

You made the moon to mark the months; *
the sun knows the time for its setting.
When you spread the darkness it is night *
and all the beasts of the forest creep forth.
The young lions roar for their prey *
and ask their food from God.

At the rising of the sun they steal away *
and go to rest in their dens.
Man goes forth to his work, *
to labor till evening falls.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.

Ant. The Lord has brought forth bread from the earth, and wine to give warmth to men’s hearts.

Ant. 3 The Lord looked upon all he had made and saw that it was very good.

Read the full psalm on http://www.ibreviary.com/m2/breviario.php?s=ora_media