Itlob Permezz tas-Salmi

il-Mulej li jħobb lill-ġusti


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Tifħir ta’ sbiħ il-jum, l-Erbgħa 24 ta’ April 2024

Salm 145 (146)

Il-Hena ta’ min jittama fil-Mulej
Infaħħru l-Mulej tul ħajjitna kollha, jiġifieri, infaħħruh bl-imħabba tagħna. (Arnobju) 

Faħħar, ruħ tiegħi, il-Mulej! †
Infaħħar il-Mulej tul ħajti kollha; *
ngħanni lil Alla tiegħi kemm indum ħaj. 

La tittamawx fil-kbarat, *
għax il-bniedem ma jsalvakomx.
Malli toħroġ ruħu, lejn l-art jerġa’ jmur; *
jintemmu dakinhar ħsibijietu. 

Hieni min f’Alla ta’ Ġakobb isib l-għajnuna tiegħu, *
min għandu t-tama fil-Mulej, Alla tiegħu,
li għamel is-sema, l-art u l-baħar, *
u kulma jinsab fihom;
hu li jżomm kelmtu għal dejjem, †
li jagħmel ħaqq lill-maħqurin, *
u jagħti l-ħobż lill-imġewħin. 

Il-Mulej li jeħles lill-imjassrin; *
il-Mulej li jiftaħ għajnejn il-għomja;
il-Mulej li jerfa’ lill-milwijin; *
il-Mulej li jħobb lill-ġusti;
il-Mulej li jħares lill-barranin; †
hu li jżomm lill-iltim u lill-armla, *
imma lill-ħżiena jħarbtilhom triqathom. 

Il-Mulej isaltan għal dejjem; *
Alla tiegħek, Sijon, minn nisel għal nisel. 


Ant. 3: Il-Mulej isaltan għal dejjem, Alla tiegħek, Sijon, hallelujah.

Kompli itlob billi żżur is-Salmi tal-ġurnata fuq

In English

Morning Prayer, Wednesday 24 April 2024

Psalm 146
Those who trust in God know what it is to be happy

To praise God in our lives means all we do must be for his glory (Arnobius).

My soul, give praise to the Lord; †
I will praise the Lord all my days, *
make music to my God while I live.

Put no trust in princes, *
in mortal men in whom there is no help.
Take their breath, they return to clay *
and their plans that day come to nothing.

He is happy who is helped by Jacob’s God, *
whose hope is in the Lord his God,
who alone made heaven and earth, *
the seas and all they contain.

It is he who keeps faith for ever, *
who is just to those who are oppressed.
It is he who gives bread to the hungry, *
the Lord, who sets prisoners free,

the Lord who gives sight to the blind, *
who raises up those who are bowed down,
the Lord, who protects the stranger *
and upholds the widow and orphan.

It is the Lord who loves the just *
but thwarts the path of the wicked.
The Lord will reign for ever, *
Zion’s God, from age to age.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.

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