
bħal ħalba xita li ssaqqi l-art bil-għatx
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L-uffiċċju tal-qari, il-Ħadd 7 ta’ Jannar 2024
Salm 71 (72)
(I) Il-Messija bis-setgħa ta’ sultan
Fetħu it-teżori tagħhom, u offrewlu rigali: deheb, inċens u mirra. (Mt 2:11)
O Alla, agħti lis-sultan il-ħaqq tiegħek, *
il-ġustizzja tiegħek lil bin is-sultan,
biex jiġġudika l-poplu tiegħek bil-ġustizzja, *
u bil-ħaqq l-imsejknin tiegħek.
Jinżel mill-muntanji s-sliem lill-poplu, *
tinżel mill-għoljiet il-ġustizzja.
Hu jħares id-dritt tal-imsejknin tal-poplu, *
isalva l-fqajrin u jrażżan ’il min jgħakkishom.
Ħa jdum kemm iddum ix-xemx; *
kemm idum il-qamar, minn żmien għal żmien.
Jinżel bħax-xita fuq ir-raba’ maħsud, *
bħal ħalba xita li ssaqqi l-art bil-għatx
Tħaddar f’jiemu l-ġustizzja, *
u sliem kotran sa ma jintemm il-qamar.
Isaltan minn baħar sa baħar, *
u mix-Xmara sa truf l-art.
Quddiemu jitbaxxew l-għedewwa tiegħu; *
dawk li huma kontrih it-trab jilagħqu.
Is-slaten ta’ Tarsis u tal-gżejjer jagħtuh ir-rigali; *
is-slaten ta’ Xeba u ta’ Saba għotjiet iġibulu.
Iqimuh is-slaten kollha, *
il-ġnus kollha lilu jaqdu.
Għax hu jeħles lill-fqir li jsejjaħlu, *
u lill-imsejken li m’għandux min jgħinu.
Iħenn għad-dgħajjef u għall-fqajjar; *
il-ħajja tal-fqajrin isalva.
Jeħlishom mill-qerq u mill-moħqrija; *
demmhom għażiż quddiem għajnejh.
Ħa jgħix is-sultan għal dejjem, *
jingħata lilu deheb ta’ Xeba!
Ħa jitolbu għalih dejjem, *
u jberkuh il-jum kollu!
Ikun kotran il-qamħ fuq l-art, *
jogħla sal-qċaċet tal-għoljiet.
Ikun il-frott tiegħu bħal-Libanu, *
iħaddru l-uċuħ bħall-ħaxix tar-raba’.
Ismu jibqa’ jissemma għal dejjem; *
idum ismu sakemm iddum ix-xemx!
Bih jitbierku l-ġnus kollha tal-art; *
il-popli kollha jsejħulu hieni.
Imbierek il-Mulej, Alla ta’ Iżrael, *
li waħdu jagħmel ħwejjeġ tal-għaġeb.
Imbierek għal dejjem l-isem imsebbaħ tiegħu; *
timtela l-art kollha bis-sebħ tiegħu!
Amen! Amen! Glorja.
Ant. 1: Is-slaten ta’ Tarsis u tal-gżejjer jagħtu r-rigali lil Sidna s-Sultan.
Ant. 2: Agħtu qima lill-Mulej fis-santwarju tiegħu, hallelujah.
Kompli itlob billi żżur is-Salmi tal-ġurnata fuq https://brevjar.knisja.mt/
In English
Office of readings, Sunday 7 of January 2024.
Psalm 72
The Messiah’s royal power
Opening their treasures, they offered him gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh (Matthew 2:11).
O God, give your judgment to the king, *
to a king’s son your justice,
that he may judge your people in justice *
and your poor in right judgment.
May the mountains bring forth peace for the people *
and the hills, justice.
May he defend the poor of the people †
and save the children of the needy *
and crush the oppressor.
He shall endure like the sun and the moon *
from age to age.
He shall descend like rain on the meadow, *
like raindrops on the earth.
In his days justice shall flourish *
and peace till the moon fails.
He shall rule from sea to sea, *
from the Great River to earth’s bounds.
Before him his enemies shall fall, *
his foes lick the dust.
The kings of Tarshish and the sea coasts *
shall pay him tribute.
The kings of Sheba and Seba *
shall bring him gifts.
Before him all kings shall fall prostrate, *
all nations shall serve him.
For he shall save the poor when they cry *
and the needy who are helpless.
He will have pity on the weak *
and save the lives of the poor.
From oppression he will rescue their lives, *
to him their blood is dear.
Long may he live, *
may the gold of Sheba be given him.
They shall pray for him without ceasing *
and bless him all the day.
May corn be abundant in the land *
to the peaks of the mountains.
May its fruit rustle like Lebanon; †
may men flourish in the cities *
like grass on the earth.
May his name be blessed for ever *
and endure like the sun.
Every tribe shall be blessed in him, *
all nations bless his name.
Blessed be the Lord, God of Israel, *
who alone works wonders,
ever blessed his glorious name. *
Let his glory fill the earth.
Amen! Amen!
Read the full psalm on http://www.ibreviary.com/m2/breviario.php?s=ora_media