għax inti l-qawwa tiegħi


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L-uffiċċju tal-qari, it-Tnejn 26 ta’ Frar 2024

Salm 30 (31)


Talb umli ta’ tama fin-niket
Missier, nerħi ruħi f’idejk. (Lq 23:46) 

Fik, Mulej, jien nistkenn; *
ma jkolli qatt għax nirgħex.
Fil-ġustizzja tiegħek salvani, *
agħtini widen u fittex eħlisni.
Kun blata tal-kenn għalija, *
fortizza qawwija ta’ salvazzjoni. 

Inti l-blata u l-fortizza tiegħi; *
f’ġieħ ismek mexxini u wennisni.
Oħroġni mix-xibka li ħbew għalija *
għax inti l-qawwa tiegħi. 

F’idejk jien nerħi ruħi; *
int teħlisni, Mulej, Alla tas-sewwa.
Int tobgħod ’il min iqim allat fiergħa; *
imma jien fil-Mulej nittama. 

Nifraħ u nithenna għat-tjieba tiegħek, †
int, li rajt l-hemm tiegħi, *
li għaraft id-dieqa ta’ qalbi.
Ma tlaqtnix f’idejn l-għedewwa, *
imma qegħedtli fil-wisa’ riġlejja. 


Ant. 1: Agħtini widen, Mulej, u fittex eħlisni.

Ant. 2: Uri d-dawl ta’ wiċċek lill-qaddej tiegħek, Mulej.

Kompli itlob billi żżur is-Salmi tal-ġurnata fuq https://brevjar.knisja.mt/

In English

Office of the Reading, Monday 26 of February 2024

Psalm 31:1-17, 20-25
A troubled person’s confident appeal to God

Father, into your hands, I commend my spirit (Luke 23:46).


In you, O Lord, I take refuge. *
Let me never be put to shame.
In your justice, set me free, *
hear me and speedily rescue me.

Be a rock of refuge for me, *
a mighty stronghold to save me,
for you are my rock, my stronghold. *
For your name’s sake, lead me and guide me.

Release me from the snares they have hidden *
for you are my refuge, Lord.
Into your hands I commend my spirit. *
It is you who will redeem me, Lord.

O God of truth, you detest *
those who worship false and empty gods.
As for me, I trust in the Lord: *
let me be glad and rejoice in your love.

You have seen my affliction *
and taken heed of my soul’s distress,
have not handed me over to the enemy, *
but set my feet at large.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.

Ant. Bow down and hear me, Lord; come to my rescue.

Ant. 2 Lord, let the light of your countenance shine on your servant.

Read the full psalm on http://www.ibreviary.com/m2/breviario.php?s=ora_media