Dan hu l-faraġ fin-niket tiegħi


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Talb ta’ nofs il-jum, it-Tlieta 16 ta’ Jannar 2024

Salm 118 (119):49-56

VII (Żajin) 

Ftakar fil-kelma li tajt lill-qaddej tiegħek, *
li biha inti ttamajtni.
Dan hu l-faraġ fin-niket tiegħi: *
li l-wegħda tiegħek tagħtini l-ħajja. 

Jiddieħku bija l-kburin għall-aħħar; *
imma jiena ma nitbigħedx mil-liġi tiegħek.
Niftakar fid-digrieti tiegħek ta’ dari; *
fihom, Mulej, jiena nsib il-faraġ tiegħi. 

Nagħdab għall-aħħar minħabba l-ħżiena *
li jitilqu l-liġi tiegħek.
L-għanja tiegħi l-kmandamenti tiegħek, *
f’dan il-post fejn jien barrani. 

Billejl f’ismek niftakar, Mulej, *
u nħares il-liġi tiegħek.
Din hi l-barka li messet lili: *
li jiena nħares il-preċetti tiegħek. 


Ant. 1: Fil-post fejn jien barrani, jiena nħares il-preċetti tiegħek.

Ant. 2: Alla jerġa’ jqajjem il-poplu tiegħu, u aħna nifirħu.

Kompli itlob billi żżur is-Salmi tal-ġurnata fuq https://brevjar.knisja.mt/

In English

Daytime Prayers, Tuesday 16 of January 2024.

Psalm 119:49-56
VII (Zain)

A meditation on God’s law

Loving God means keeping his commandments (1 John 5:3).

Remember your word to your servant *
by which you gave me hope.
This is my comfort in sorrow *
that your promise gives me life.

Though the proud may utterly deride me *
I keep to your law.
I remember your decrees of old *
and these, Lord, console me.

I am seized with indignation at the wicked *
who forsake your law.
Your commands have become my song *
in the land of exile.

I think of your name in the night-time *
and I keep your law.
This has been my blessing, *
the keeping of your precepts.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever.


Read the full psalm on http://www.ibreviary.com/m2/breviario.php?s=ora_media