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Talb ta’ nofs il-jum, it-Tnejn 18 ta’ Marzu
Salm 7


Talb tal-ġust imħabbat mill-għadu
L-imħallef qiegħed hawn, quddiem il-bieb. (Ġak 5:9) 

Mulej, Alla tiegħi, fik il-kenn tiegħi; *
salvani minn kull min iħabbatni, u eħlisni,
li ma jaħtfunix bħal iljun u jqattgħuni, *
u ma jkunx hemm min jeħlisni. 

Mulej, Alla tiegħi, jekk dan jien għamilt, *
jekk ħatja ta’ xi ħażen huma jdejja,
jekk b’deni għall-ġid ħallast lil ħabibi, *
jew għal xejn b’xejn ħarbatt l-għadu tiegħi,
ħa jqum il-għadu kontrija u jirbaħni, †
mal-art taħt riġlejh jitfagħni, *
u ġieħi fit-trab ikasbarli. 

Qum, Mulej, bil-qilla tiegħek, †
ieqaf kontra s-saħħa tal-għedewwa tiegħi; *
stenbaħ, u agħmilli l-ħaqq li int ordnajt.
Ħa jinġemgħu l-ġnus madwarek: *
fuqhom int toqgħod fil-għoli. 

Mulej, int li tagħmel ħaqq mill-popli, †
agħmel ħaqq minni, Mulej, skond is-sewwa tiegħi *
u skond it-tjubija li hemm fija.
Ħa jintemm il-ħażen tal-ħżiena, *
u jitwettaq il-bniedem sewwa.
Int li tgħarbel il-moħħ u l-qalb, *
int Alla ġust. 


Kompli itlob billi żżur is-Salmi tal-ġurnata fuq https://brevjar.knisja.mt/

In English

Daytime Prayer, Monday 18 March 2024

Psalm 7
Prayer of a God-fearing man who is being calumniated

Here stands the Judge, at our very door (James 5:9).


Lord God, I take refuge in you.*
From my pursuer save me and rescue me,
lest he tear me to pieces like a lion *
and drag me off with no one to rescue me.

Lord God, if my hands have done wrong, *
if I have paid back evil for good,
I who saved my unjust oppressor: *
then let my foe pursue me and seize me,
let him trample my life to the ground *
and lay my soul in the dust.

Lord, rise up in your anger, *
rise against the fury of my foes;
my God, awake! You will give judgment. *
Let the company of nations gather round you,
taking your seat above them on high. *
The Lord is judge of the peoples.

Give judgment for me, Lord; I am just *
and innocent of heart.
Put an end to the evil of the wicked! *
Make the just stand firm,
you who test mind and heart, *
O just God!

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.

Read the full psalm on http://www.ibreviary.com/m2/breviario.php?s=ora_media