il-mistħija tgħattili wiċċi
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L-uffiċċju tal-qari, il-Ħamis 28 ta’ Marzu
Salm 43 (44)
Imma issa warrabtna u ċekkintna, *
ma għadekx toħroġ mal-eżerċtu tagħna.
Ġegħeltna nduru lura minn quddiem l-għadu; *
dawk li jobogħduna ħatfulna ħwejjiġna.
Tlaqtna bħal nagħaġ għall-qatla, *
u fost il-ġnus xerridtna.
Begħt il-poplu tiegħek għal ħaġa żgħira; *
ma qlajtx wisq mill-bejgħ tiegħu.
Waqqajtna għaż-żebliħ tal-ġirien tagħna, *
għaċ-ċajt u t-tkasbir ta’ dawk ta’ madwarna.
Ġibtna fi lsien il-ġnus, *
u l-popli jħarsu lejna u jħarrku rashom.
L-għajb tiegħi quddiemi l-jum kollu, *
il-mistħija tgħattili wiċċi,
għall-kliem ta’ żebliħ u tkasbir, *
quddiem l-għadu li jitħallas minni.
Ant. 2: Aħfrilna, Mulej, u tħallix lill-għadu jżeblaħ il-poplu ta’ wirtek.
Ant. 3: Qum, Mulej, u eħlisna, f’ġieħ it-tjieba tiegħek.
Kompli itlob billi żżur is-Salmi tal-ġurnata fuq
In English
Office of the Reading, Thursday 28 March 2024.
Psalm 44
Yet now you have rejected us, disgraced us: *
you no longer go forth with our armies.
You make us retreat from the foe *
and our enemies plunder us at will.
You make us like sheep for the slaughter *
and scatter us among the nations.
You sell your own people for nothing *
and make no profit by the sale.
You make us the taunt of our neighbors, *
the laughing stock of all who are near.
Among the nations, you make us a byword, *
among the peoples a thing of derision.
All day long my disgrace is before me: *
my face is covered with shame
at the voice of the taunter, the scoffer, *
at the sight of the foe and avenger.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.
Ant. Spare us, O Lord; do not bring your own people into contempt.
Ant. 3 Rise up, O Lord, and save us, for you are merciful.
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