Mulej, Alla tiegħi


Scroll down for the English version.

Talb ta’ nofs il-jum, il-Ġimgħa 29 ta’ Marzu
Salm 39 (40)

Radd il-ħajr u talb għall-għajnuna

Ittamajt b’tama qawwija fil-Mulej, *
hu niżel ħdejja u sema’ l-għajta tiegħi.
Minn bir waħxi tellagħni, *
minn qalb il-ħama u t-tajn;
fuq il-blat qegħidli riġlejja, *
u saħħaħli l-mixi tiegħi.
Qegħidli fuq fommi għanja ġdida, *
għanja ta’ tifħir lil Alla tagħna. 

Ħafna jaraw u jimtlew bil-biża’ tiegħu, *
u jittamaw fil-Mulej.
Hieni l-bniedem li jqiegħed fil-Mulej it-tama tiegħu, *
u ma jmurx mal-kburin, mogħtija għall-gideb.
Bla għadd l-għemejjel tiegħek, *
Mulej, Alla tiegħi;
tal-għaġeb il-ħsibijiet tiegħek għalina; *
ħadd ma jħabbatha miegħek!
Irrid inxandarhom u fuqhom nitkellem; *
iżda huma ħafna biex insemmihom.

 Int ma titgħaxxaqx b’sagrifiċċji u offerti; *
imma widnejja inti ftaħtli;
ma tlabtnix vittmi tal-ħruq u tat-tpattija. *
Imbagħad jien għidt: “Hawn jien, ġej.”
Fil-bidu tal-ktieb hemm miktub fuq *
li nagħmel ir-rieda tiegħek.
Alla tiegħi, dan jogħġobni, *
il-liġi tiegħek ġewwa qalbi”. 

Xandart il-ġustizzja f’ġemgħa kbira; †
xufftejja ma żammejthomx magħluqa, *
Mulej, dan inti tafu.
Ma ħbejtx f’qalbi l-ġustizzja tiegħek; *
il-fedeltà u s-salvazzjoni tiegħek jien ħabbarthom;
ma ħbejtx it-tjieba u l-fedeltà tiegħek *
lill-ġemgħa kbira. 

Int, Mulej, la ċċaħħadnix mill-ħniena tiegħek; *
it-tjieba u l-fedeltà tiegħek
iħarsuni għal dejjem!
Għax għalquni minn kull naħa
ħsarat li ma jingħaddux; *
ħakmuni ħtijieti u ma nistax nara;
huma aktar mix-xagħar ta’ rasi; *
għandi qalbi maqtugħa. 

Ħa jogħġbok, Mulej, teħlisni; *
Mulej, fittex għinni.
Jithennew u jifirħu bik *
dawk kollha li jfittxuk;jgħidu dejjem: “Kbir il-Mulej!” *
dawk li jħobbu s-salvazzjoni tiegħek.
Imma jien, fqajjar u msejken, *
għandi ’l Sidi jaħseb fija.
Inti l-għajnuna u l-ħelsien tiegħi; *
iddumx ma tgħinni, Alla tiegħi! 


Kompli itlob billi żżur is-Salmi tal-ġurnata fuq

In English

Daytime Prayer, Friday 29 March 2024.

Psalm 40:2-14, 17-18
Thanksgiving and plea for help

It was not sacrifice and oblation you wanted, but you have prepared a body for me (Hebrews 10:5).

I waited, I waited for the Lord †
and he stooped down to me; *
he heard my cry.

He drew me from the deadly pit, *
from the miry clay.
He set my feet upon a rock *
and made my footsteps firm.

He put a new song into my mouth, *
praise of our God.
Many shall see and fear *
and shall trust in the Lord.

Happy the man who has placed *
his trust in the Lord
and has not gone over to the rebels *
who follow false gods.

How many, O Lord my God, †
are the wonders and designs that you have worked for us; *
you have no equal.
Should I proclaim and speak of them, *
they are more than I can tell!

You do not ask for sacrifices and offerings, *
but an open ear.
You do not ask for holocaust and victim. *
Instead, here am I.

In the scroll of the book it stands written *
that I should do your will.
My God, I delight in your law *
in the depth of my heart.

Your justice I have proclaimed *
in the great assembly.
My lips I have not sealed; *
you know it, O Lord.

I have not hidden your justice in my heart *
but declared your faithful help.
I have not hidden your love and your truth *
from the great assembly.

O Lord, you will not withhold *
your compassion from me.
Your merciful love and your truth *
will always guard me.

For I am beset with evils *
too many to be counted.
My sins have fallen upon me *
and my sight fails me.
They are more than the hairs on my head *
and my heart sinks.

O Lord, come to my rescue, *
Lord, come to my aid.

O let there be rejoicing and gladness *
for all who seek you.
Let them ever say: “The Lord is great,” *
who love your saving help.

As for me, wretched and poor, *
the Lord thinks of me.
You are my rescuer, my help, *
O God, do not delay.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.

Read the full psalm on