isma’, Mulej, leħen it-tħannin tiegħi


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Talb ta’ nofs il-jum, il-Ġimgħa 26 ta’ April 2024

Salm 139 (140):1-9,13-14

Alla l-kenn tiegħi
Bin il-bniedem se jkun mogħti f’idejn il-midinbin. (Mt 26:45) 

Eħlisni, Mulej, mill-bnedmin ħżiena, *
min-nies tad-dnewwa ħarisni,
li f’qalbhom inisslu ħsibijiet ħżiena, *
li jqajmu l-ġlied kuljum.
Ilsienhom daqs tas-serp isinnu, *
semm ta’ lifgħa taħt xufftejhom. 

Żommni, Mulej, minn idejn il-ħżiena, †
min-nies tad-dnewwa ħarisni, *
li ħsiebhom hu li jfixkluni.
Nies kburin ħejjewli nassa, †
firxuli l-ħbula bħal xibka, *
u tul it-triq nasbu għalija. 

Jien għedt lill-Mulej: “Int Alla tiegħi; *
isma’, Mulej, leħen it-tħannin tiegħi.”
Sidi Mulej, fortizza tas-salvazzjoni tiegħi, *
inti l-għata ta’ rasi f’jum it-taqbida.
Taqtgħalhomx xewqithom, Mulej, lill-ħżiena, *
tħallihomx jilħqu l-għanijiet tagħhom. 

Jien naf li l-Mulej jagħmel ħaqq mal-imsejken, *
u jagħti d-dritt lill-fqajjar.
Iva, il-ġusti jfaħħru ismek; *
u t-tajbin jgħammru quddiemek. 


Kompli itlob billi żżur is-Salmi tal-ġurnata fuq

In English

Daytime Prayer, Friday 26 April 2024

Psalm 140:1-9, 13-14
Lord, you are my refuge

The Son of Man will be handed over to wicked men (Matthew 26:45).

Rescue me, Lord, from evil men; *
from the violent keep me safe,
from those who plan evil in their hearts *
and stir up strife every day;
who sharpen their tongue like an adder’s, *
with the poison of viper on their lips.

Lord, guard me from the hands of the wicked; *
from the violent keep me safe;
they plan to make me stumble. *
The proud have hidden a trap,
have spread out lines in a net, *
set snares across my path.

I have said to the Lord: “You are my God.” *
Lord, hear the cry of my appeal!
Lord my God, my mighty help, *
you shield my head in the battle.
Do not grant the wicked their desire *
nor let their plots succeed.

I know that the Lord will avenge the poor, *
that he will do justice for the needy.
Yes, the just will praise your name: *
the upright shall live in your presence.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.

Read the full psalm on