itfa’ fuqna d-dija ta’ wiċċek, u nkunu salvi


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Tifħir ta’ sbiħ il-jum, il-Ħamis 18 ta’ Jannar 2024

Salm 79 (80)

Mulej, żur id-dielja tiegħek

Ejja, Mulej Ġesù. (Apok 22:20) 

O Ragħaj ta’ Iżrael, agħti widen, *
int li tmexxi bħal merħla ’l Ġużeppi.#

Int li qiegħed fuq il-kerubini, *
iddi quddiem Efrajm, Benjamin u Manasse.
Qajjem il-qawwa tiegħek, *
u ejja ħa ssalvana. 

Reġġagħna għal li konna, Alla tal-eżerċti; *
itfa’ fuqna d-dija ta’ wiċċek, u nkunu salvi. 

Mulej, Alla tal-eżerċti, kemm se ddum tinkorla *
minkejja t-talb tal-poplu tiegħek?
Tmajthom il-ħobż magħġun bid-dmugħ, *
sqejthom id-dmugħ bix-xaba’.
Għamilt minna t-tilwim tal-ġirien tagħna, *
l-għedewwa tagħna jiddieħku bina. 

Reġġagħna għal li konna, Alla tal-eżerċti; *
itfa’ fuqna d-dija ta’ wiċċek, u nkunu salvi. 

Int qlajt dielja mill-Eġittu, *
warrabt il-ġnus biex tħawwel lilha.
Ħejjejt l-art għaliha; *
hi xenxlet għeruqha u mliet l-art.
Tgħattew l-għoljiet bid-dell tagħha, *
bħal ċedri kbar iż-żraġen tagħha.
Meddet sal-baħar il-friegħi tagħha, *
sax-xmara ż-żraġen tagħha. 

Għaliex, mela, ġarraft il-ħitan tagħha, *
u kull min jgħaddi jqaċċat minnha?
Iħarbatha l-ħanżir selvaġġ, *
il-bhejjem tar-raba’ jirgħu fiha. 

Erġa’ ejja, Alla tal-eżerċti; †
ħares mis-sema, u ara, *
u żur ’il din id-dielja. 

Ħu ħsieb dak li ħawlet lemintek, *
ir-rimja li int kabbart għalik.
Jinqerdu mal-ħarsa qalila ta’ wiċċek *
dawk li tawha n-nar u qaċċtuha.
Ħa tkun idek fuq il-bniedem ta’ lemintek, *
fuq il-bniedem li int saħħaħt għalik.
Aħna ma nitbegħdux minnek; *
roddilna l-ħajja, u aħna nsejħu ismek. 

Reġġagħna għal li konna, Alla tal-eżerċti; *
itfa’ fuqna d-dija ta’ wiċċek, u nkunu salvi. 

Ant. 1: Qajjem il-qawwa tiegħek, Mulej, u ejja ħa ssalvana.

Ant. 2: Il-Mulej għamel ħwejjeġ kbar; ħa jkun dan magħruf min-nies kollha tal-art.

Kompli itlob billi żżur is-Salmi tal-ġurnata fuq

In English

Morning Prayers, Thursday 18 of January 2024.

Psalm 80
Lord, come, take care of your vineyard

Come, Lord Jesus (Revelation 22:20).

O shepherd of Israel, hear us, *
you who lead Joseph’s flock,
shine forth from your cherubim throne *
upon Ephraim, Benjamin, Manasseh.
O Lord, rouse up your might, *
O Lord, come to our help.

God of hosts, bring us back; *
let your face shine on us and we shall be saved.

Lord God of hosts, how long *
will you frown on your people’s plea?
You have fed them with tears for their bread, *
an abundance of tears for their drink.
You have made us the taunt of our neighbors, *
our enemies laugh us to scorn.

God of hosts, bring us back; *
let your face shine on us and we shall be saved.

You brought a vine out of Egypt; *
to plant it you drove out the nations.
Before it you cleared the ground; *
it took root and spread through the land.

The mountains were covered with its shadow, *
the cedars of God with its boughs.
It stretched out its branches to the sea, *
to the Great River it stretched out its shoots.

Then why have you broken down its walls? *
It is plucked by all who pass by.
It is ravaged by the boar of the forest, *
devoured by the beasts of the field.

God of hosts, turn again, we implore, *
look down from heaven and see.
Visit this vine and protect it, *
the vine your right hand has planted.
Men have burnt it with fire and destroyed it. *
May they perish at the frown of your face.

May your hand be on the man you have chosen, *
the man you have given your strength.
And we shall never forsake you again: *
give us life that we may call upon your name.

God of hosts, bring us back; *
let your face shine on us and we shall be saved.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.

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