mbagħad fis-sebħ tilqagħni


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L-uffiċċju tal-qari, it-Tnejn 22 ta’ April 2024

Salm 72 (73)

Meta kienet tinkedd qalbi †
u kont ninfena ġewwa fija, *
kemm kont iblah, xejn ma fhimt,
bħal bhima jien kont quddiemek. 

Imma jiena dejjem miegħek; *
inti żżommni minn idi l-leminija;
skond il-ħsieb tiegħek tmexxini, *
mbagħad fis-sebħ tilqagħni. 

Lil min għandi fis-sema ħliefek? *
Bik miegħi fuq l-art xejn ma jonqosni.
Qegħdin jinfnew ġismi u qalbi; *
Alla l-qawwa ta’ qalbi u sehmi għal dejjem. 

Għax kull min jitbiegħed minnek jintilef; *
int teqred ’il kull min jinfired minnek.
Iżda jiena l-hena tiegħi li nkun qrib Alla; †
f’Sidi l-Mulej qegħedt il-kenn tiegħi; *
u nxandar l-għemejjel tiegħek kollha. 


Kompli itlob billi żżur is-Salmi tal-ġurnata fuq

In English

Office of the Reading, Monday 22 April 2024

Psalm 73
Why is it that the good have many troubles?

Blessed is the man who does not lose faith in me (Matthew 11:6).


How good God is to Israel, *
to those who are pure of heart.
Yet my feet came close to stumbling, *
my steps had almost slipped
for I was filled with envy of the proud *
when I saw how the wicked prosper.

For them there are no pains; *
their bodies are sound and sleek.
They have no share in men’s sorrows; *
they are not stricken like others.

So they wear their pride like a necklace, *
they clothe themselves with violence.
Their hearts overflow with malice, *
their minds seethe with plots.

They scoff; they speak with malice; *
from on high they plan oppression.
They have set their mouths in the heavens *
and their tongues dictate to the earth.

So the people turn to follow them *
and drink in all their words.
They say: “How can God know? *
Does the Most High take any notice?”
Look at them, such are the wicked, *
but untroubled, they grow in wealth.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.

Ant. How good is the God of Israel to the pure of heart, alleluia.

Ant. 2 Their laughter will turn to weeping, their merriment to grief, alleluia.

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